VSEO とは純粋に SEO の拡張でしかない


海外の記事で正しい Video SEO に関しての認識を持った人のまっとうな記事。

Video SEO vs. Traditional SEO, Misconceptions & Opinion

How is practicing video SEO different from regular SEO?

This is a great question.  In my opinion, being that I am a SEO professional with a background that pre-dates video SEO, I see very little difference in terms of best practices for video SEO.  In the end, video SEO is purely an extension of SEO and it is primarily about:

  1. Creating quality, engaging, and unique content.
  2. Publishing that content in a way that it can be easily indexed by search engines,
  3. And describing that content in a relevant manner that follows best practices for SEO.

The only differences at this point in time are that;

  • #2 is a bit more tricky with regard to video indexing as guidelines often change and search engines are still working to better understand Flash
  • #3 is primarily about on-page text and metadata

In the future, I see both of these differences becoming less and less relevant as search engines becoming more attuned to crawling and classifying multimedia content.  In the end, video SEO, much like traditional SEO, will be about creating great content, and publishing that content according to publishing best practices.


Google については、上記の記述は全て正しいといえるだろう。

ただ、 Woopie を使っていて、しかも恣意的に自社のGYAOのコンテンツやパートナー企業の動画を上位表示させる Yahoo! Japan では(特に後半の記述は)全くそうはならない可能性は高いことは心に留めておく必要はあり。


Youtube のビデオ再生用ページの模様替え

