


しかし、本日時点ではニコニコ動画の動画は削除されておらず、会社名で Google 検索した場合に上位表示されたままである。そのほか今回の件を取り上げたブログなどが上位表示されている。

また、Youtube 内でも勝手にコピーをして、再アップロードしているのもいるようなので、いずれまたじりじりと順位を上げてくるかもしれない。




Grant/ReelSEO: What would you consider to be of chief concern with your clients when it comes to online reputation management with SEO and video?

Simon: The chief concern for most clients is what’s showing up on Google for their brand; if there’s a video that is showing up in the search results that is, in and of itself, negative, or has a negative description displayed for it. (On occasion I’ve seen videos in the search results that use the latest comment as the description, which can be something that’s totally unrelated to the video itself). Ever since video results were integrated into the regular search listings through Universal / Blended search, this has become more of an issue that companies have had to pay attention to.

顧客が気にするのは、やはり 「SERP そのものにネガティブなビデオ(コメント)」がつくこと、であることには変わりはないのだろう。

What are some of the mistakes you have seen clients, or businesses in general, make when it comes to their online reputation with video?

There are a couple of big mistakes that companies tend to make:

First, there are those that ignore the potential for reputation issues. They don’t monitor their brand; and they just simply believe that if they don’t see it, then it’s not there, which is of course not the case.  If a video isn’t showing up at the top of Google Search, it doesn’t mean that their clients aren’t seeing it.  What if it’s being discussed in a major forum frequented by their clients?

Secondly, some companies just jump in, assuming that all they have to do is throw a PR video or an ill-conceived video contest together and the customers will come running.  Again, that’s not the case.  If they don’t know what their audience is interested in, and where they congregate, then they may be wasting their time, or creating their own reputation management issue as customers complain about unrelated topics, or about the lack of relevance of the video to whatever issues the company may currently have.

「Google の検索結果にビデオ出てきていないからといって、顧客がそれを見ていないというわけではない」というのはもっともな指摘。順序としては主要なフォーラムなどで散々見られた後で、Googleには上位表示されている可能性がたかく、むしろ、Google の結果に出てきている頃には手遅れということも言えるのかもしれない。


What do you consider to be the important areas for monitoring and managing your online reputation involving video?

We have an in-house tool for reputation monitoring, so we use that to find out where our clients are being talked about, but for a company that doesn’t have that facility, or isn’t working with an agency that does, the simplest thing for them to do is to set up RSS feeds from the major video sites in order to find out when something involving their brand shows up.  Then it’s a matter of looking at the content, reviewing comments, and seeing what kind of play it gets.  A company should always have a response plan in place for when something critical is released, and implement it based on the level of uptake on the video.


How does social media sharing and networking come into play with search engine reputation management and video?

From a linking perspective, getting a positive video to rank well for your brand, either proactively or to push down a negative result, social networking sites can work out well for you, as you’re potentially allowing more eyeballs to get to your video.  Now, this doesn’t mean that you just go out to social networks and hawk your products until you’re blue in the face, you have to be a member of those communities that gives as well as takes, that provides a benefit to the community as a whole, otherwise you’re going to either be ignored, or cause another reputation management issue.

Also, a company should make sure to secure their brands on social networks to prevent others with more nefarious purposes from obtaining them and potentially causing a reputation management issue later on.

アメリカでは Facebook や Myspace のようなソーシャルメディアでのビデオ共有も積極的と聞くが、日本ではどうなのだろう。レピュテーションマネジメント的に問題になるものの兆しを判断するには、mixiではなく、やはり2chやニコニコ動画のモニタリングということになるのだろうか?どれも必要なのだろうけど。


If you haven’t already mentioned them, are there any particular issues with local search and video that pertain to reputation management, compared to the general web?

When you’re looking at local search, there are different opportunities to displace a negative video, by getting your business listed in local sites, such as IYP sites, which tend to rank fairly well for companies in specific locations. Provided your company has a generally good reputation, there are also plenty of review sites that you can ask your evangelists to use, that will again rank well for you.

この辺はよくわからない。IYPってなんだ?Interactive Yellow Pages の略?

全体的に読みながらちょっと「はっ」としたのだが、動画SEO とレピュテーションマネージメントを考える際に、「ネガティブな動画の検索順位を下げる」という発想から入るべきではないのだろう。




we could summarize defensive reputation management with video using two key strategies. 1) Bumping down the negative video with your own positive video (through SEO and buzz), and 2) taking any appropriate legal action to have the negative video removed.

“Our clients are mostly concerned with the Google search results pages (SERPs).  If a video link is on the first page they that’s where it’s really of concern to them.” Says Jordan. “Buzz monitoring, or proactive tracking, is another matter. But it really seems to come back to the Google SERPs.”
確かに、自分に関わる固有名詞等でサムネイル付きでGoogle に上位表示されるのは気になるだろう。これに加えて、日本ではニコニコ動画のコンテンツが上位表示されて、その動画が盛り上がっているのを見るのは心理的に相当なダメージになりうる。

“If you see a negative video and decide to get it removed a good intermediate step is to post your own positive video,” says Jordan. “Its helpful to have a whole slew of [your] videos out there,” focusing on shorter format which will allow for more quantity. That way you will have more videos co cross-link them to each other, both on your site and in the video sharing sites such as YouTube.”

When does the time come that just a positive Video SEO strategy isn’t enough, and legal action may need to be taken? “Sometimes you really have no choice.

Jordan says to resist the temptation to post public comments in response to a negative video about your company, brand, or person, even in the case of making a correction.  “It’s like a retraction a newspaper makes days after the original article is published, who reads it, and the damage is done.” Hey says. ”And once you do it, its may be out there forever” and you can’t take it back.

昨日、動画SEOとレピュテーションマネージメント(評判管理)ついての記事を書いたのだが、そういえば連立与党の片方とその支持母体の固有名詞でgoogle で検索するとどうなるのだろうと思い検索してみた。

さすがに1ページめの上位ではないものの、1ページめの下または2ページ目にはYoutube の動画がサムネイル付きで表示されている。ユニバーサル検索結果で上位に来る動画は「検索された固有名詞の団体」が意図的にアップロードしたものではなく、部外者がアップロードした動画でむしろ批判的な内容を含んでいるものである。

なぜこういう動画がGoogle で上位に来るかは、セミナー・DVD等で検証しているとおりなのだが、こういった「自分の意図しない動画」を「自分の固有名詞を含む形」で他人にあげられた場合の対応というのは非常に難しい。


アメリカ国内では、Youtube に対しての訴訟が多く発生していると聞くが、


Google の検索結果での Youtube などのサイトが上位表示をされることによる、「動画SEO」と「レピュテーションマネージメント」の問題が発生する兆しが見えている。


アメリカの例でいえば、動物愛護の関連の思想をもったグループが、ケンタッキーフライドチキンを非難するための非常にショッキングな動画をYoutube にアップするなどして抗議しているらしく、その動画のアクセスが相当な数に上り、ユニバーサル検索でもかなり引っ掛かりやすい位置を維持しているとのこと。(その動画をここに貼れなくもないのだが、個人的にそういった極端な活動に共感もしないしリンクすることでその動画へのSEO効果をつけるのもなんなので止めておく。むしろKFCのファンなので。)



